Friday, 26 August 2011

Understanding the 8 key concepts- 3z

The students saw a presentation on Ben 10 where the 8 key concepts- Form, Function, Causation, Change, Connection, Perspective, Reflection and Responsibility were explained in simple words so that the students could connect to the concepts and understand the meaning of each.

After watching the presentation and showcased their understanding of the 8 key concepts either by using an object or through their favourite cartoon characters.

Setting some goals- 3z

The students are now squirrels!!!! 

Don't panic it doesn't mean that they have become squirrels, yes but they have certainly realized that they need to set some realistic goals in life to move ahead to be more confident and need to accomplish it slowly and steadily. Hence they set small goals for the term and are constantly striving to reach it by giving evidences of meeting them.

The day they reach their nuts would be the day when they have reached their goal.

Keep going children!!!!

Articulation of PYP Attributes and Attitudes- 3z

The students articulated the meaning of PYP attributes and attitudes and try to showcase it everywhere so that they can imbibe these qualities in them. The students are very well aware of the fact that these qualities ultimately make us human and enlighten us to live our lives successfully.

Snaps of grade 3's interaction with each other to understand ' Unity in Diversity.'

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Grade 3's traditional day

Today was a very interesting day for the children of grade3 as they had all dressed up in their state attires and looked looked amazing and full of colours. The enthusiasm they had to share about their traditional dress and the recipe specific to their place was extravagant as they shared their thoughts with each other. To add on the teachers also had dressed in their state costume and the students took a lot of interest in learning about their dress and details about their festivals, food etc.

They were thus able to arrive at an understanding of their second line of inquiry- Similarities and differences between people. The interviews that Followed did give them a more vivid picture of how people are similar and different on various grounds.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Inquiry for the second line of inquiry' Similarities and differences between people.'

The students of grade3 are well into their unit under the TD Theme ' Who we are and now are inquiring into their second line of inquiry which says ' Similarities and Differences between people.' As a provocation to the LOI the students will be wearing their national/state costume to understand the similarities and differences of dresses across the world. This is to give them insight into how people around the world are different yet alike. They will be also bringing in a dish which is specific to their place and I am sure the students are going to have a TREAT!!!!!!!! They will be able to compare of how food from different parts of the world vary . They will also be able to conclude that we cook because we love to eat and celebrate. This will be a great opportunity for them  to learn about the similarities and differences of each other trough this interaction. This will happen on 25th August i.e Thursday. Waiting eagerly for a lot of fun with learning to happen.